Migraines, headaches, TMD (temporomandibular disorders), pain and severe clenching and grinding of teeth are a common issue for most people living today. These conditions can to lead to a series of oral and head and neck problems such as: gum recession, tooth fracture, tooth loss, facial muscle pain and the irreparable Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) damage. Unfortunately, traditional methods of managing such conditions (massage, orthotics, medication and therapy) may not completely address them. We are proud to announce that our office has been certified to provide Botulinum Toxin-A (Botox, Dysport) therapy for patients with such conditions.
Botox/Dysport are able to locally deactivate hyperactive or spastic muscles to reduce: pain, unfavourable movement, protect teeth from grinding forces and either treat or prevent TMD associated pain to head and neck. One benefit that our patients also appreciate is that such management also results in reduce facial wrinkles, facial aesthetics and rejuvenation.
Botox therapy is used for:
- Headaches
- Severe Grinding
- Bruxim/Tooth Aches
- Tensions Headaches
- Frontal Headaches
- Hyper active lips
- Facial Muscle Spasm
- Neck Pain/Spasms
Dr. Deheshi has had extensive training by the Pacific Institute of Facial Aesthetics and Therapeutics and is certified to provide therapeutic Botox/Dysport treatments to our patients in Burnaby and the Greater Vancouver area.
Contact our office and set up a consultation with Dr. Deheshi to get a better understanding of how Botox/Dysport therapy can help you.